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traditional tailoring

True and sincere expression of the true “made in Italy handmade”, the tailor's profession cannot ignore the fundamental requirements of tailoring, fundamental elements that distinguish true traditional tailoring.
A passionate activity, where style and taste are considered indispensable and essential to advise the customer in his multiple needs of taste and use.
To carry out this artisan profession adequately and completely, a long preparation is required, an essential feature, which for over twenty-five years has seen our team made up of different figures perfectly synchronized with the EDOARDO CORTESE mood. Our tailoring, while retaining all the traditional requirements of this historic profession, is dynamic and concretely aimed at all the evolutions and innovations of generation.
EDOARDO CORTESE bespoke tailoring, devotes itself with sensitivity and constancy to elegance, sewing a unique garment on the customer, of exclusive production, without neglecting the evolution of taste and emerging fashions.
The choice of the fabric, taking the measurements, the layout on the fabric, the processing of the materials and their use,  the "first and second" test, the model created and then kept in our tailor's shop, all the phases are fundamental up to the delivery of the garment, moments in which the customer can witness in our laboratory where everything is made.

sartoria su misura: Servizi
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